Copyright information

Everything on this site-including the animations, images, and text-is an original work of the site author, Matt Keveney.

I receive a lot of email from people who would like to use my animations, images and other material on their own website or publication.

I’m sorry, the answer is no.

You may not publish any of the information or images contained on this site, in any medium. This includes mirrors of the contents on private networks

I’m very flattered that so many people would like to use my stuff, but I want to retain control of the material; keep it free; and keep it in a central place.


U.S. Copyright law provides certain limitations under the doctrine of fair use. Some nonprofit educational applications fall under this rule.

My position is that teachers and students may freely use this site’s material in a lesson or assignment, provided that proper attribution is made; my copyright notices are retained; and that the material will not appear elsewhere on the Internet in any form. If your lesson or report is published on the Internet, please post a link to my site instead.

Otherwise, I’ll leave it to you and your lawyer to determine if your use qualifies for an exception.

If you discover a violation

If you find another website that appears to contain my material, please let me know. This has happened occasionally, and in every case, a polite request from me is all that has been necessary to have the material removed. In most cases, the offender simply wasn’t aware of the law.


Linking to this site

If you operate a website and would like to let others know about Animated Engines, please feel free to publish a link. Please do not link directly to any image or animation on this site. I prefer that you link to the home page.