
I have gathered the information on this website from many sources over the years. A few facts and figures were drawn from the following books. I’m sure a search of the Internet, or any of the online booksellers would locate much more information.

  1. Ultimate Visual Dictionary, DK Publishing Inc., 1999
  2. Building the Atkinson Cycle Engine, Vincent Gingery, David J Gingery Publishing, 1996
  3. The Stirling Engine Manual, James G. Rizzo, Camden Miniature Steam Services, 1995
  4. Modern Locomotive Construction, J. G. A. Meyer, 1892, reprinted by Lindsay Publications Inc., 1994
  5. Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements, Henry T. Brown, 1896, reprinted by The Astragal Press, 1995
  6. Model Machines/Replica Steam Models, Marlyn Hadley, Model Machine Co., 1999
  7. Air Board Technical Notes, RAF Air Board, 1917, reprinted by Camden Miniature Steam Services, 1997
  8. Internal Fire, Lyle Cummins, Carnot Press, 1976
  9. Toyota Web site Prius specifications
  10. Steam and Stirling Engines you can build, book 2, various authors, Village Press, 1994
  11. Knight’s New American Mechanical Dictionary, Supplement Edward H. Knight, A.M., LL. D., Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1884
  12. Thomas Newcomen, The Prehistory of the Steam Engine L. T. C. Rolt, David and Charles Limited, 1963
  13. An Introduction to Low Temperature Differential Stirling Engines James R. Senft, Moriya Press, 1996
  14. An Introduction to Stirling Engines James R. Senft, Moriya Press, 1993